Sandra’s Stories Part 2

Last “week” I posted about my grandmother-in-law, Sandra, who we call Angel, and her legacy as an amazing mother and strong woman who left a strong family here on earth. I talked about how she was a mother who speaks to a lot of our parent hearts, for she put raising her family first above all else even if it meant putting aside her own personal quests of achievements.

One of those quests put off and never realized included writing. Though she started taking the steps to pursue writing children’s literature, life just had other plans for her.

Her writings for her class fell in my hands, and I felt I just had to bring some of the stories she wrote to life. I wanted to do this for her, my grandfather (Papa), and my little family. My heart feels happy to think I can pass down some of her writings and things in her heart to my kids. Also, Christmas is nearing and the question of what to give Papa was answered by this.

So… is anyone surprised I am late? When I posted about my grandmother’s legacy and my plan to make some “quick” illustrations and “quickly” put together a book for Papa to open this Christmas, I gave myself one week. That was two weeks ago. I forgot that people, who are really talented and skilled, do this for their job, and I am sure they would laugh at my idea I could do it in a week. AND there was Thanksgiving in that week. The me now scoffs at my silliness, so you can scoff too.

I had a very large oversight of the skills, patience, and the learning curve for doing this task; oversights are an understatement.

Anyway, I did manage to put together a little book of one of Papa’s favorite stories Angel wrote. Though I was late on my time constraint, by having one and the pressure to get this for Papa as a Christmas present on time, I did get this done. With my inexperience and also this time constraint, the quality is not the best. My drawings are far inferior to what Angel herself could have done, and for that I am sorry. Still, it was a humbling learning experience and I am so honored to have been able to do this.

I present “Grandma’s Bedroom” by Sandra Arciniega. I have ordered two copies, one for Papa who WILL get it by Christmas (patting myself on the back and smiling all over as a notoriously late gifter) and one to read to Abe and Grant.

It comes with an apology from both the writer and illustrator we wish we could have given it more time and attention; and yet, I feel the connection I made with Angel in the completion of this project just that way it is, is perfect!

Thanks for reading, and I hope all the writers out there know there is no time like the middle of the night, when you are exhausted and not feeling it, to sprint some projects out! I’m signing out and thinking- I only have two days before my next blog post is scheduled. Oh dear.

Thanks, friends!

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